Materials Required

* Fresh seeds of pumpkin, sunflower, lima beans or pinto beans * Loose, aerated good quality soil * A container to hold the soil and your seeds * Water * Light * Heat


  • Fill the container with soil and plant the seeds inside the soil.
  • Place the container in a warm place with plenty of sunlight, however direct sunlight may be not advised. The windowsill could be an ideal place. 
  • Keep the soil moist by watering it everyday, however avoid over watering as the seeds and plants could rot.
  • Record your observations as the seeds germinate and seedlings begin to sprout from the seeds and make comparison between different seeds. 

What is Learnt

All seeds require right conditions to grow. Water, light and oxygen are important. The duration to germinate, grow and other conditions like amount of light and water vary from seed to seed.


Water, oxygen and light is required for germination and growth of plants. The growth rate of each plant varies so also other conditions like room temperature, amount of light, water and oxygen.